I am an atheist and I love Christmas; making stuffing and star shaped biscuits and giving presents and so forth. I don't go on about it because I know lots of people find it all too much. But whether we like it or not, most of us have to get on with buying Christmas presents. To celebrate the season of excess, of which I totally approve, I have lowered the price of Changing the Subject to under £11.00. You do not have to go to a shop, just click the links. And, if you are a total Humbug, you can get it delivered directly to the person's/s' door, you don't even have to look at them. In addition, I will put the price back up on the 21st of December so if the recipient/s of your largess look it up, it will look like you spent more.
You can say that you knew how much they enjoyed another book or a film that has a more than competent woman/London/Art/Genetics/mother-daughter relationships/ female friendships or Brexit in it and thought of them immediately you saw this book,
You can also tell them about the great reviews and how Changing the Subject is a cheering read.