I'm really excited. After months and months of click-clacking away at my computer I'm going to meet some actual people in the flesh and face to face and try and sell some books. The lovely Karen Marwood, who I got in touch with about a possible review on Karen's World, invited me to her fringe event for the Folkestone Book Festival.
Me and 30 other independent authors will be at The Chambers in Folkestone on Thursday, November 21st from 2 pm.
I will get to meet other independent authors, and chat about the highs and lows of self-publishing. I have 'made relationships' a couple like it says to do in the How-to Guides by helping them make their Social media artwork.
I will also get to talk to readers and find out a bit about them, which will be interesting. I forgot how much I like talking to strangers until I worked a stall for the charity, WORLDwrite, on the weekend. It is great fun and I am looking forward to it.
I am not looking forward to promoting a less worthy cause; myself. Selling me is a lot more scary a prospect face to face. But I have decided to carry out a marketing plan I developed with the aid of the very stuff that I will use to attract people to my wares. Given that apple brandy plays it's part in the plot of the book I will be selling, no spoilers so I shall say no more, I will be giving away a free tot of apple brandy, or an apple, with every purchase.
It's not tacky at all. I have chosen a very good Calvados, which is, in my opinion, a tastier tipple than brandy or cognac.
Will it be effective? I have no idea. But if it isn't I can have a swig or two on the train on the way home, while I watch a You Gotta Get a Gimmick on my phone.